Monday, February 1, 2010

An Angelic Look at Wordsworth

I decided I really like Wordsworth's poem, I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud. The more I read the more I realized how spiritual it is, or how spiritual nature is. I actually can picture this in a few different ways. The obvious way would be as someone walking and admiring nature and waht an inspirational experience that is in itself. But for some reason the line "When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils," struck me. I like the fact that it comes after the reader is already placed high in the sky or Heaven, if you will. As I read that line I picked out the three words that stood out most which, to me, were: crowd, host, and golden.
As I thought about these words I thought of the scriptures and how it talks about a host of angels or how the light of God can be seen as golden, or I picture how we were all crowded together learning from God. For some reason I then transform this poem to being places in Heaven, and every word is symbolic of something heavenly. I then begin to see things in a new light.
Taking that concept of angels, I also started to think, that maybe this could be the point of view of an angel looking down on earth in awe of what god has created. The angel can see everything, and yet, can't necessarily have the human experience of it. The angel must look down and describe as it can, what earth and humans are like. I can't remember who said it, but someone referenced Disney's Fantasia. I think that this could be a scene in a movie like that, that is only intensified through music.
Finally I love how the last stanza shows us how we can reflect any time we want on the beauties of the earth, and how that will give us joy and peace. Wordsworth and his sister, sure got it right.


  1. I think the idea of nature being a spiritual manifestation is brilliant. After all, everything that is a part of nature is in many ways an extension of God.

  2. All things to gladden the heart and please the eye, or something like that, yes? I couldn't agree with you more and Love the way you've taken key words from the text: crowd, host, golden. They sum up the message and open our inner eyes to vast expanses to be considered, don't they? I'm convinced that those who really experience and appreciate nature are, or will be, ready to embrace the Creator of it all.
