Thursday, March 11, 2010

To Read/Watch Or Not To...

So last Saturday I tried to go watch Slumdog Millionaire twice at the international cinema. Each time it was full. Yes I have already seen it, but I thought it would be nice to see on the big screen where I could actually read the subtitles. Anyways, before going I was talking with my roomies about watching it. One was semi pro and the other con. We talked about ratings and morals and such and the difference between watching movies edited or not. One roomie said she didn’t want to support the makers of an R rated film even if it was edited. But then I thought, well I’ve seen some PG 13 movies that are worse and I go support those ratings. So if you see one PG 13 movie that’s bad does that mean you shouldn’t support them from now on? And does this carry over to TV and books and magazines? If you read a bad book from one genre does that mean you shouldn’t support that genre anymore, or author? We’ve been told as members of the LDS church to watch things that are uplifting, but could it be that one movie or book is uplifting to one and to another its not? I think yes, and that’s why the brethren let us choose. There seems to be a very fine line between what’s allowed and what isn’t allowed. It’s up to ourselves to pick choose what’s right for us and if we feel we have a clear conscious about it. Personally I feel saddened when I hear people go out to see the latest rated R movie not caring because “it looks so good”. If one peaks my interest enough and I happen to get a copy of it I’ll watch it edited. I really don’t have an answer quite yet on this topic, but I intend to do some research and examining and figure out at least for myself, some sort of guideline to follow.

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